Newhall Orange Gin and measuring cup
€ 35.00 / 700 ml
It is a gin made up of two individual distillations of 5 botanicals, including the Newhall Algarve orange peel, juniper and mint. It is a gin with a fresh citrus aroma, very versatile in its own and easy to work with.
The name Newhall has been squeezed and distilled from the best of the Algarve citrus. The category of Newhall oranges used in the distillation of this gin is one of the most appreciated in the Algarve area. It is a gin made up of two individual distillations of 5 botanicals, including the Newhall Algarve orange peel, juniper and mint. It is a gin with a fresh citrus aroma, very versatile in its own and easy to work with.
Food pairing
Alcohol content
38 %vol
Store & Serve
Serve at room temperature
Critics & Awards