Webshop » Madeira Wines » 2003 Barbeito Single Harvest medium dry

2003 Barbeito Single Harvest medium dry

ANAM5 2003 Barbeito Single Harvest medium dry

€ 39.00 / 50 cl

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Barbeito Single Harvest Colheita 2003 is a Meio Seco, or Medium Dry, Madeira and is made from 100% Tinta Negra Mole grapes. Barbeito is a very traditinal cantiero style madeira and undergoes no de-acidification nor addition of caramel. Barbeito work closely with local producers and have input with them to ensure that each harvest the grapes are harvested to the specification of winemaker Ricardo de Freitas. 

Het is een uitstekende aanvulling op gebak, fruit, chocolade, pralines, harde kazen,  ijs-, caramel- & koffie desserten. De perfecte digestief.
Grapes:  Tinta Negra Mole
Grapes for the Barbeito Single Harvest Colheita 2003 are sourced from vineyards in Estreito de Camara de Lobos. After harvest the grapes are pressed in a continuous press. When the desired level of sweetness is reached, in this case meio seco or medium dry, fermentation is stopped with the addition of grape alcohol (basically an un-aged, undiluted brandy) with a strength of 96%. After this the wine is aged old French oak casks by the Canteiro method. The Canteiro method is used for only the highest qaulity Madeiras – the wines are aged without the use of artificial heat, in warm rooms heated by the sun. Other Madeiras may be artificially heated to replicate this process.
19% vol
Store & Serve
Always keep a Madeira wine upright.
The acids of Madeira are so strong that they attack the cork when the bottle is stored lying down
Serve at 11-12 °C
Madeira is a wine that has matured for several years in an oxidative environment, and is then bottled in a reductive environment. It is therefore useful to open the bottles a few hours in advance. The bottles can then be preserved almost indefinitely, as the air no longer has any influence on Madeira wines. In fact, the wine tastes better after months - if there is any remaining - than when you open the bottle.
Critics & Awards
Tags : Madeira - Barbeito


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